I can't believe it's already halfway through October. Where did the time go? I didn't even get a chance to really enjoy Summertime. Well, that may be because the weather decided that we didn't really "need" a summer this year. But still....
I'm definitely a "nice weather" kind of girl. The rain, snow and cold seem to strip me of any motivation to do anything. This creates quite the problem living in the Northwest, wouldn't you say? So I've compiled a list of the things that I will miss for the next nine or so months, until the weather gods decide that we are deserving of sunshine once again:
- pools, lakes, rivers, any body of water you can get to.
- a lower electricity bill
- the beach
- no need for multiple layers of clothing
- natural tans
- not needing a coat
- taking long walks in nice weather
- later sunsets
- still having warm weather after sunset
- early sunrise
- flipflops ALWAYS being the appropriate shoe
- no rain (actually around here, its just a less chance of rain)
- BBQs
- driving around with the windows down
- the leaves turning colors
- sweaters
- holiday shopping
- fireplaces
- Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks
- driving through the Winter Wonderland at Portland International Raceway
- gift giving
- scarves and boots
- Thanksgiving and all of the baking that goes along with it
- Spending more time with family and close friends
- Black Friday (yes I do enjoy Black Friday shopping)
- pumpkin pie and apple cinnamon scented candles
- cuddling up with my hubby next to the fire
- getting a Christmas tree
- Christmas music
- Christmas baking parties
- watching the marathon of A Christmas Story on Christmas Eve